The End of The Snarky Cats of Ulthar's Reign

So, we've made some changes to our blogs, including this one. We've always referred to The Snarky Cats of Ulthar as the 'main blog', but as the posts are now more evenly spread across blogs, and especially since we decided to keep the Weird Fiction and Cosmic Horror in their own place, it doesn't feel quite the same anymore. 'The Snarky Cats of Ulthar' is still a huge part of our online identity, but when it comes to blogging, things are going to be a little different.

The Snarky Cats of Ulthar: Weird Fiction will now be called simply The Weird Cats of Ulthar.

It's probably not a good time to be changing the name of this particular blog, but we were getting tired of writing that really big title and since The Snarky Cats of Ulthar blog has been demoted, there was no reason to keeping it like that. Specifically mentioning Weird Fiction was a little reductive, too, as the blog also features Cosmic Horror and Occult Detectives. Since 'The Weird Cats of Ulthar' is the blog's URL, it might even make it easier to find. We also replaced the title with the image above, which makes the overall look of the blogs more consistent. By the way, calling this 'The Weird Cats of Ulthar' is odd because we've always thought of A Goat 4 Zazzie as the weird one and thus it will forever remain in our hearts.

The Snarky Cats of Ulthar: WIP (where you are right now) will become The Indie Cats of Ulthar.

Ironically, this was the original name and even the original URL until we changed them to better fit in with The Snarky Cats of Ulthar brand. We also got to use the old title font from our book covers again! There'll be no URL changes, though. Not that it would matter much when you look at the number of views we're getting...

In addition to these name changes, we even questioned the future of The Snarky Cats of Ulthar blog itself, as most of the movies/TV series we see and books/short stories we read fit better in the other 2 reviews blogs. However, we're not ready to let it go. If we ever did, we'd never let the name die and would just give this blog another makeover.

We don't expect this slight alteration to our image to have any practical effects in terms of self-promotion - we're pretty much doing it for ourselves. Something else we did for ourselves was raise the prices of our books. Does it make any sense? No, but at least people won't be ignoring free books, which makes it less embarrassing for us.

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